Wall Yoga

Wall Yoga

Yoga classes sometimes incorporate the wall as a prop of sorts—legs up against the wall in a yin class, for instance, or using the wall to deepen a hamstring stretch.
But wall yoga is different. In wall yoga, the wall is more than just a prop. It’s just as important as the studio floor—if not more. To find out what we mean,
The idea behind wall yoga is to use straps attached to hooks on a wall to assist students with their yoga practice. The use of the straps, combined with gravity, allows yogis to experience a truly vertical practice (think flipping your practice by 90 degrees). This allows students to experience near-weightlessness as they explore postures in totally new ways.
If you’re wondering what, exactly, is to be gained from practicing yoga dangling from ropes, here are some of the answers: wall yoga allows you to hold poses longer (remember, the feeling of weightlessness!), to increase your strength, to strengthen different muscle groups that are typically used, and to improve flexibility (thanks to the use of props).Wall yoga systems can also be used for Pilates, general fitness training, and physical therapy—which will appeal to studios that offer a range of classes and activities.

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