Moon Flow

Moon Flow

Moon Flow

The Significance of the Moon in Yoga Much of the focus in yoga is in balance — physically, emotionally, mentally — and in energy. Hatha yoga, the more exercise intensive form of yoga, means ‘sun’ (ha-) and ‘moon’ (-tha). The moon and the sun, both, have their place in yoga, signifying the balance in all things.Many of us bask in the sun’s heat but forget to appreciate the cool glow of the moon and incorporating an appreciation of our planet’s satellite may just be the thing you need to put your practice in balance.
Not all yoga traditions suggest taking rest days on “moon days.” In fact, some yogis suggest that channeling the energy of the moon in each phase of its cycle can facilitate a deeper, more intentioned practice. The four primary phases of the moon are good focal points to align your practice with the lunar cycle and findpeaceand balance in all things.
• New Moon: Self-Reflection
• The darkness of the cycle is a good time to reflect, if not rest.

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